Martin Palmer FIA

Proposition Consultant

Contact details

Martin provides Proposition and Regulatory Consultancy support to the Barnett Waddingham SIPP Business

Martin has extensive experience of the Retirement, Pensions, Workplace, Investment and Platform markets and has developed a strong profile and reputation as a proactive industry expert on policy and propositional issues.

Significant experience

  • Proposition - design, development and maintenance of Pensions propositions for customers and employers
  • Technical - development of responses to regulatory consultations, and development of compliant propositional solutions. Martin has previously provided evidence at a House of Commons Select Committee
  • Governance - development and maintenance of strong governed solutions and processes
  • Investment - design, development and maintenance of Investment propositions for Pensions products

Other expertise

As a qualified actuary, Martin has strong financial and problem solving skills and he has successfully project sponsored a number of major system and proposition deliveries.


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