Supporting public sector schemes and services across the UK

Public sector pension funds are subject to increasingly complex rules. They have their own regulations, statutory requirements, and guidance, making them distinct in many ways from those in the private sector. It is therefore vital that funds can deliver and adapt to changing requirements and regulatory environments.

Our public sector consulting team provides you with the expert support and commitment to client delivery to enable you to do this. Our consulting team can help with expert advice, technology, and employer engagement. We specialise in LGPS and offer tailored solutions to fit your specific needs. We focus on building strong, long-term relationships with our clients in the public sector.

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Our public sector services

LGPS actuarial

We provide actuarial support to nearly 25% of UK LGPS funds. This includes funding advice, risk management and accounting work for employers.

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LGPS governance

We understand public sector funds and their regulations. We offer fast, practical advice to all parties involved. We manage nearly 25% of UK LGPS funds.

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LGPS investment

With a primary focus on the LGPS, we provide investment advice to administering authorities and other stakeholders on strategy, monitoring, sustainability and more.

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Online LGPS tools

Our suite of online tools for LGPS funds helps administering authorities manage funds’ pension liabilities more effectively throughout the valuation cycle.

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Police and Fire

Our specialist team has over 40 years’ experience, with a particular focus on providing accounting information. We recognise the differences between the Police and Firefighters and other Public Service Pension Schemes, and provide a tailored approach to each scheme's needs.

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General Code

We can help you prepare your LGPS fund for General Code compliance through implementing our reverse gap analysis.

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Longevity analyses

Life expectancy has become an area of increasing focus for public sector pension schemes. Our client teams work in tandem with our expert longevity consultants to provide an informative report, making the best use of the data available and tailored to the specific needs of your scheme.

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Public sector insights

Our public sector insights and commentary hub is designed to give you the knowledge and understanding of the most important public sector updates. 

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Enlighten - our online training hub

Made specifically for LGPS Committees, Local Pension Board Members, and LGPS Officers, our online training platform Enlighten provides a series of bitesize training videos which will develop your understanding of the LGPS and help you in your role.

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Our public sector technology

Online LGPS tools

Our online tools help administering authorities manage funds’ pension liabilities more effectively throughout the valuation cycle.

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Our LGPS online learning hub helps you to enhance your understanding of the Local Government Pension Scheme.

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Online pension service

Our secure, easy to use, fully integrated online tools for company pension schemes give exceptional control over administration.

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