What is BW CORE?

BW CORE stands for Calendar, Own risk Assessment, Risk Register, and Effective System of Governance. It's a comprehensive, but flexible, system designed to streamline pension scheme governance processes and support compliance requirements with both statutory obligations and expectations set out in The Pensions Regulator’s General Code. 

This includes the statutory requirement to operate an Effective System of Governance (ESOG) and the requirement to undertake periodic self-assessment of that system, by way of an Own Risk Assessment (ORA).


A unique approach to simplifying pensions governance

BW CORE seamlessly integrates your ESOG assessment, risk register, and governance calendar into one dynamic platform.
In one comprehensive system, it allows you to:

  • Capture and rate your ESOG policies and processes.
  • Track improvement actions.
  • Maintain robust risk controls.
  • Keep your governance calendar up to date.

With BW CORE, our consultants can generate instant reports on your current ESOG position, create summary dashboards for trustee meetings, and then seamlessly produce your ORA.

Enhancing pension scheme management

By using BW CORE, you'll benefit from:

  • Improved integration and oversight.
  • Clear, timely reporting.
  • Embedding of ESOG and risk management into your daily operations.
  • Simplified ORA preparation.
  • The ability to implement continuous improvements.

"BW CORE streamlines governance for pension schemes, integrating ESOG analysis, risk management, and ORA preparation into one efficient system. It empowers trustees to focus their time and resources more effectively, ensuring continuous improvement and compliance with the General Code."
Christine Kerr Senior Pension Management Consultant, Barnett Waddingham


General Code –
a streamlined opportunity

Download our guide to BW CORE which explains the features and benefits of our comprehensive governance and risk management solution.


From obligations to assets

Could DB schemes be changing from obligations to assets? Rising bond yields and stalling life expectancy have pushed DB pension schemes into surplus positions - are they changing from obligations to assets?

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Revisiting endgame

Determining the best strategy for your scheme. Is your endgame still relevant? Simon Taylor explores why now is the ideal time for sponsors to re-evaluate their strategy.

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DB surplus funding DC contributions

How to use your DB surplus to fund DC contributions. In light of recent tax changes and consultations from the DWP on surplus 'extraction', funding DC contributions is a viable option for those with a surplus.

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DB surpluses and discretionary benefits

With improving pension scheme funding, wage growth and more schemes considering running on in surplus, will discretionary pension increases make a comeback?

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Could we see the return of DB pension accrual?

We address the evolution of UK pension schemes, and why Defined Benefit (DB) pension accrual could again be a feasible option for UK private sector companies.

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Principal, Senior Pension
Management Consultant



Scheme Actuary