Risk advisory and analytics

Expert risk management consultancy focused on outcomes and driven by data

How you manage risk in your organisation isn’t just about avoiding disruption – it is often the driving force behind growth and profit in the long term.

At BW we offer risk advisory services because we believe risk teams should be just as accountable for creating opportunities for risk and reward, as they are for mitigating problems. Whether your needs relate to your people, financial security, sustainability, crisis planning or all of the above, our independent risk advisory services focus on generating better-informed decisions based on data that lead to better business outcomes.

Our risk analytics services range from the use of sophisticated risk management tools and AI to dedicated data analysis from our risk consultants, to embedding our experts into your organisation to ensure business resilience for the years ahead.

With a team of over 150 specialists on hand, we're here to help you achieve readiness for whatever challenges may come.

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Business continuity management

Our business continuity management consultants work with you to build resilience, mitigate risk and improve your organisation's response readiness in a practical, effective and proportionate manner.

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Real time decision analytics

As part of our real time decision analytics offering, BW deploys the BW Swarm Artificial Intelligence (AI) interactive platform to substantially amplify the knowledge and wisdom of your team.

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Risk experts you can rely on


Our independence allows us to objectively review your risk objectives, so you can be assured our advice is conflict-free and that we recommend the most appropriate solutions for your organisation and its needs.

Wealth of expertise

Our team of over 150 experts specialise in a wide range of areas, including people risk to help you better attract and retain talent or improve wellbeing, to financial risk to better manage pensions liabilities on your balance sheet or reduce your customer acquisition cost.


Working collaboratively within the firm and with our clients is at the very heart of what we do. We work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances and to help uncover and confront your key risk factors.

Our services help you survive and thrive

Our approach to risk involves unlocking your organisation’s DNA – getting under its skin, uncovering what makes it unique and helping you identify the information that will allow your business to thrive in a competitive environment. Applying actuarial science is core to this approach. Find out more about Employer DNA.

Helping you mitigate the risk of business failure through building resilience and improving crisis-readiness.

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Our risk professionals deploy and facilitate the identification of risks for all departments and projects at organisations. In comparison to the traditional risk identification workshops, our methodology utilises digital tools to better harness the multiple perspectives within an organisation, giving the leadership more visibility of the risks they face and revealing previously hidden risks. This is further enhanced and scaled by utilising our data analytics capability to include all staff at an organisation.

Our very pragmatic approach to risk appetite and tolerance will produce more than a well written statement for the client. Utilising technology and leveraging the commercial acumen of our risk professionals, the leadership of an organisation will better understand the risks they face and collectively agree risk appetite and tolerance on a more granular level than before, ensuring that the leadership are not pulling the organisation in different directions and at different speeds within their respective remits.

Furthermore we implement a practical framework over existing reporting lines to communicate and instil the risk appetite and tolerance of the leadership throughout the organisation, reducing cognitive dissonance between those who make decisions and those who deliver the actions, whilst automating the escalation of risks and response actions when needed. This is further enhanced by utilising AI decision analytics software to bring precision, optimisation and speed to group decision making. 

Giving risk managers and decision makers an overview of risk management information in one place, increasing visibility of risk, reducing time for reporting and giving business insights through the analysis of data.

Health and Safety support is often seen as being a ‘standalone’ aspect by organisations. However, as processes and systems evolve and become ever more reliant on digital systems (e.g., industrial controls, body worn devices, occupational health assessments etc), there is frequently overlap with many other areas of risk management.

We can deliver audits in line with ISO 45001 and ISO 45003 (the management of psychological risk), and conduct risk assessments, objective setting, incident investigation, audit and process assessment. We can also perform reviews of third parties, either as a remote ‘table top’ audit or an onsite review.

Pension schemes need to be prepared to adapt and improve their business continuity response strategies and plans. Read about our help for trustees and sponsors with business continuity management and cyber risks.

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We place our risk professionals at organisations on an ongoing basis. This may be as interim cover, to setup and build a risk function, or to temporarily expand the capability of an organisation’s risk team for a particular project. We will either provide one of our risk professionals full time or deploy a more agile solution that harnesses the collective experience and skills from various disciplines and sectors at our firm.

This is a combination of CROs from regulated sectors, compliance professionals, leaders in ERM and insurance, risk coordinators and risk subject matter experts who would be utilised when most suited to the task in hand.

At the core of managing risk at an organisation is the framework that supports the process. Our risk professionals work with organisations to review, design and implement risk management frameworks and processes that leverage existing organisational resources and better support the needs of the organisation. 

Risk Assurance gives confidence that an organisation’s intent stated in policies is executed effectively in controls, and that the intent is aligned with risk appetite.

The term ‘cyber’ is often used interchangeably with information security (InfoSec), data protection and privacy. Each of these areas presents their own risks and opportunities and our expert cyber risk consultants offer solutions to enhance your resilience.

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There is an ever-growing list of standards and certifications that organisations may need to achieve. Our experience has shown that this requirement is driven in one of two ways:

  1. Proactively: an organisation will wish to demonstrate its credentials to stakeholders, whether these be shareholders, customers, employees and potential customers.
  2. Reactively: an organisation has been told to achieve a certification to remain in a supply chain or to be able to enter a new one e.g. Government requirement for Cyber Essentials (CE), introduction of CE and ISO22301 for education, DriveSustainability for tier 1 suppliers to the automotive sector.

We can support you with the adoption of the following standards and certifications.

  • ISO’s: (9001, 14001, 45001, 50001, 27001, 27701, 27017, 27018, 22301, 21434 and others). This includes post implementation support (eg. Internal audit, management review etc.)
  • Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus (via a partner) and IASME Governance
  • ESG Related: EcoVadis, PAS2060, BCorp, UN Global Compact, and DriveSustainability
  • Others eg. TISAX (Requirement from German Motor Manufacturers), FORS (Haulage requirement), SafeContractor (H&S) etc.

Our experts provide a wide range of comprehensive services around Governance and Secretariat services. Through our detailed insights we can help your organisation mitigate risks, make more informed decisions and we can implement tailored, practical solutions which will lead to greater success and long-term value for all your stakeholders.


Highly accredited

Our risk consultants hold a variety of qualifications, certifications and accreditations within the risk profession. They regularly partner with leading risk management bodies, including the International Institute of Risk & Safety Management (IIRSM) and AIRMIC.

Get to know our Risk Advisory and Analytics experts

Nick Griggs

Head of Employer Consulting

Nick leads our Employer Consulting business area, using his experience to identify best practices and strategic opportunities to mutually benefit both ourselves and our clients.


Karla Gahan

Head of Resilience

Karla is a risk, business continuity and crisis management specialist, and her understanding of how people might behave in extreme circumstances has been invaluable in responding to such incidents.


Harshil Shah

Head of ERM

Harshil's expertise in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has allowed him to attract highly regarded, well-known UK PLCs as clients, using big data to provide compelling insights that bring tangible benefits.


How we approach risk advice and analytics

The range of risk advisory and analytic services we offer is intrinsically linked to how we work – our 'ACDC' (analyse, consult, deliver, check) approach.

Analyse is the bedrock to our approach, providing the data analytics and the technical and market knowledge that underpin our tailored advice. Across Consult and Deliver, we work with you to identify the most appropriate solutions for your circumstances and objectives, and then support the delivery of these to your required timelines and preferences. Through Check, we help you to review your arrangements so that these remain suitable and compliant, with your objectives being met.

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