Head of Resilience

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Karla is a risk, business continuity and crisis management specialist. Throughout her career, she has dealt with complex subjects that can challenge people’s core beliefs and behaviours.

Applying experiential and commercial knowledge, and understanding how people might behave in such extreme circumstances, has been invaluable when helping clients prepare for, and respond to, such incidents.

Significant experience:

In the UK and Australia, Karla has worked both in-house and in consulting roles to embed organisational risk management and resilience. She has been actively involved in the responses to a global cyberattack, terrorist attacks in various jurisdictions, bush fires, and many and varied localised emergencies.

Karla works with teams globally to:

  • Implement and embed Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity frameworks and processes;
  • Embed resilience into organisational culture; and
  • Provide risk and resilience training, and desktop exercises.

Karla regularly presents at industry conferences and webinars on risk and business continuity subjects. In particular, she is well known for her work on psychological safety in response teams and safety environments, and unconscious bias as a risk management issue.

Karla is a director for an educational risk management charity and is also an examiner for risk management qualifications. She has won industry recognition for her work in the risk management sector. She has also previously held roles in knowledge management, compliance and communications.


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