DB pensions

Independent knowledge and resources for trustees and sponsors

Our independence means freedom – the freedom to focus on doing the right thing for your DB pension scheme and to tailor and innovate our services towards your specific needs.

Our DB pension insights and commentary hub is designed to give you the knowledge and understanding of the most important issues affecting your DB pension scheme.

Our tailored advice and expert support helps UK pension scheme trustees, employers and sponsors navigate all aspects of DB pension scheme management, administration, funding, investment and technology.

Our DB pension services

Whether you are looking for trustee services or employer services, we give you the freedom to plan for the best possible future by removing the complexities and challenges of DB pensions.

As an award-winning consultancy, we hold particular expertise in helping large schemes approaching their DB endgame, and open DB schemes. From developing a winning pension strategy to navigating the regulatory landscape, we are here to keep you on the right course.

Our renowned experience in actuarial services, investment, administration, management services and governance, demonstrates our position as a trusted adviser to both employers and trustees, our ability to provide technical knowledge, and our innovations in DB pension technology for all needs.

Award-winning solutions

What our clients say

As an independent business, we are free to provide fresh ideas over a ‘one-size-fits-all’ mentality. As you will see from our latest surveys, our free thinking approach is delighting our clients. 

See the feedback


Illuminate is our specialist tool designed to guide trustees and sponsors through the financial management of their scheme.

find out more

DB endgame planning

Our holistic actuarial, investment and pension administration approach which gives you the knowledge, structure and tools to optimise your strategy for tackling the journey towards your DB endgame.

Discover DB Navigator