Recovery strategy planning – toolkit checklist

With most businesses beginning to consider how they may safely and sensibly reintroduce more employees back into an office environment in 2021, a well-placed plan for post-pandemic recovery is a necessary starting point.
There is a huge amount to consider, especially due to Covid-19 throwing all sorts of issues at everyone left, right and centre. With constant change it has become increasingly important in analysing business risk and opportunity to use a data-centric approach to inform your decision making and this must form part of your wider Employer DNA profile.
Barnett Waddingham supports organisations in achieving this.
Our recovery strategy planning toolkit aims to set out some of the priority considerations in planning for a larger-scale return to work after the most recent Covid-19 restrictions. It contains checklists, scenarios to consider and a sample risk register. It is designed as an aide for senior management and recovery teams to use when making decisions on how to best prepare for the next phase of the recovery.
Download our toolkit checklist
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Preparing for recovery
As the world slowly begins to turn the tide against Covid-19, a comprehensive and well-informed blueprint for recovery should be a priority for every organisation. Get the latest from our blog now.
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