Paul Jayson FIA, EPMI

Partner and Head of Board Management Services

Paul leads our Board Management Services team, which provides ongoing secretariat and governance support, strategic guidance and project management to boards of directors and trustees.

He is committed to helping board members fulfil their responsibilities in an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment. Paul is supported by an experienced, diverse team of people from varied backgrounds, supporting clients with a broad range of services.

Paul recognises that different boards can have very different needs, so his team focuses on providing services that understand and meet their specific requirements – part of Barnett Waddingham’s independent, “free thinking” approach that means we fully understand the needs of our clients and take account of the wider context.

The cornerstone of good consultancy is the strength of the working relationship between provider and client. Paul builds strong, rewarding relationships based on mutual trust and open, honest communication. He is not afraid to constructively challenge accepted practices to deliver better results.

With a career spanning more than 35 years, Paul’s experience and expertise has proved invaluable when working with boards to formulate and achieve their strategic objectives.

Significant experience:

  • Management of a portfolio of clients, advising on funding, investment and compliance issues
  • Part of BW’s senior leadership team responsible for strategy and direction
  • Responsible for managing some of the firm’s key client relationships, ensuring they are supported and nurtured
  • Qualified in negotiation and coaching skills, both of which he uses for enhancing relationships with clients
  • A regular contributor in the press and speaker at industry seminars, including the Institute of Actuaries, CBI and trustee training events


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