Hugo Gravell FIA

Principal and Investment Consultant

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Hugo works closely with trustees and sponsors of UK defined contribution (DC) pension schemes in relation to investment matters. He works with both own trust and master trust schemes and is driven by a desire to improve the quality and certainty of retirement outcomes for members.

Hugo’s expertise centres on designing, monitoring, and reviewing investment strategies for DC schemes according to their own specific beliefs and circumstances. Alongside advising clients, he has a key role in shaping our research from a DC perspective, in particular for research into new and innovative strategies, sustainable investment, and equity & multi-asset investments.

Significant experience:

  • Designing default strategies for DC schemes that explicitly take into account climate risks and opportunities in order to improve member outcomes
  • Using bespoke Master Trust bolt-on arrangements to limit ‘value leakage’ by ensuring a seamless transition into retirement for members
  • Quantifying risk from the member’s perspective by considering the levers available to make up losses (such as making extra contributions or retiring later) and monitoring performance using the PLSA’s Retirement Living Standards
  • Helping schemes with their climate governance duties, which culminate in the need to prepare a TCFD report
  • Innovative research and consultancy on investment strategies in decumulation


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