Clare Keeffe FIA

Associate and Senior Sustainable Investment Consultant

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Clare helps clients formulate, develop and implement their sustainable investment and wider investment aims, as well as leading on communication for the Sustainable Investment Team.

Clare takes a pragmatic approach to considering sustainability, recognising that every client has different needs and ambitions. Her wider investment background allows Clare to consider the big picture and help clients address sustainable investing in a way that complements each investors attitudes and wider strategy.

Clare has significant experience in the production of sustainability frameworks, such as the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Here, Clare likes to help clients consider the relevance of the frameworks within the context of their existing plans and governance procedures so that such frameworks become meaningful and engaging.

Clare has also worked with clients to consider the implementation of net zero ambitions. Again, her pragmatic approach and a strong understanding of a wide range of asset classes enables Clare to formulate implementation plans that are both practical and user friendly.

Main area of expertise

  • Sustainable investment services and research
  • Working with clients on effective TCFD reporting
  • Advising on the implementation of net zero targets within investment portfolios
  • Working with clients on wider sustainability and investment related issues


  • Pension schemes, charities, family offices and endowments

Significant experience

  • Advising multi-billion-pound pension schemes on the practical implementation of net zero ambitions
  • Working with pension schemes on the drafting of their TCFD reporting, including member communications

Other expertise

Clare has volunteered for the actuarial profession for a number of years. She is currently a member of a working party focused on the inequality of climate change. She has previously chaired the actuarial professions’ Finance and Investment Lifelong Learning Committee.


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