Consolidation of academies: the pros and cons for funds and MATs

Since the 2010 Academies Act, we have seen many schools break away from local authority control and become independent academies. There are now over 9,000 academies and many have effectively got together and set up multi academy trusts (MATs).
A number of these MATs have dozens of schools under their trust, sometimes spread far and wide across England. In recent weeks we know that a number of funds have been approached by at least three large MATs as they consider consolidating their schools into one fund (or maybe just fewer funds than they have to deal with at present).
From the MAT’s perspective we can see the obvious efficiencies in having to deal with only one LGPS fund for their support staff, rather than several funds. But what are the issues for the LGPS funds involved?
The purpose of this briefing note, therefore, is to set out some of the issues that administering authorities need to think about when dealing with this request from the MATs.
For further information please download our briefing note below.

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What are some of the issues for administering authorities to consider when dealing with MAT requests for only one LGPS fund?
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