Michelle Robertson

Associate and Operations Manager

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As Operations Manager at Barnett Waddingham, Michelle supports the Chief Operating Officer (COO) by leading the central operational activities and contributing to the delivery of strategic and operational activities where appropriate.

She holds firm-wide responsibility for providing, maintaining and developing myriad services; broadly covering management of: health, safety and security (HS&S), soft and hard facilities, regional office managers and the secretarial support team, corporate social investment (CSI), contract management and procurement activity and any other individual projects identified to enhance the productivity of business support activities. 

Besides this, her role includes supporting all business area leaders and their teams, where appropriate and within scope, with the implementation of good practice and efficiency measures across the firm. Michelle is also a member of BW's Sustainability Steering Group.

Significant experience:

  • Successful delivery of London and Cheltenham office, design, fit out refurbishment and employee engagement project. This included design management and significant value engineering, working to secure budgets, delivery times and a high quality finish.
  • Furniture procurement management – creating an in-house design, buying and ordering process, with substantial cost savings to the business.
  • CSI management audit and restructure to ensure suitable reporting and recording of our efforts. This included the introduction of affiliate charity partner and engagement proposals, and the creation of sustainability recording and reporting process to demonstrate our levels of excellence and achievable aspiration to appropriate accreditation.
  • Introduction of secretarial apprenticeship scheme.


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